Volunteer Opportunities

Knoxville Hospital & Clinics appreciates every volunteer we have, but we could always have more. We are looking for people who can assist with a variety of tasks, in multiple departments of the hospital.

At KHC, we have a variety of volunteer opportunities in hopes that you will find one that fits your interests. Opportunities include: administrative/clerical, cafeteria host/hostess, clinic hospitality, greeter, patient companion, patient escort/transport as well as waiting room host/hostess.

If you are interested in volunteering at Knoxville Hospital & Clinics, please fill out the form below to complete the volunteer application.

For more information about volunteering at Knoxville Hospital & Clinics, please call Megan Sutter at (641) 842-1402.

volunteer opportunities

If you have any interest in becoming a volunteer at KHC, please take a moment to listen to our message inviting you to join.

Fill Out Our Application

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Emergency Contact

  • References

  • Education/Training

  • Employment History

  • Availability

  • I certify that the information in this application is correct to the best of my knowledge and understand that any misrepresentation or omission of information requested on this form is grounds to disregard my application. I understand that my acceptance is contingent upon satisfactory completion of the necessary immunization, educational and background check requirements. I hereby give Knoxville Hospital & Clinics permission to contact any references, former employers and schools concerning any information they deem relevant, and I also agree to release any and all references, former employers and schools from any liability due to the release of information regarding me.

  • Volunteer Requirements

    • Applicants must be at least 16 years of age.
    • Applicants must complete a Volunteer Application.
    • Applicants must agree to/pass a background check.
      • Felony, child/dependent adult abuse, drug or theft convictions will not be accepted. Records other than those listed prior will be accepted on a case by case basis.
      • Court-ordered volunteer service is not permitted.
    • Some volunteer opportunities may require a substance screening prior to service.
    • Applicants must have required immunizations/testings (TB, MMR, Influenza) up to date (provided free of charge if needed.)
    • Applicants must attend an interview prior to service.
    • Applicants must attend an orientation prior to service.
  • Confidentiality Agreement

  • I understand that a patient's right to privacy must be respected and that a breach of confidential information may prompt my removal from all volunteer service dues.

    • I will not disclose the names of our patients to others.
    • I will not discuss information about a patient in a public area.
    • I will not discuss a patient’s diagnosis outside of the hospital/clinic.

    When others inquire about confidential information I will respond by stating, “I am not allowed to release that information”.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.