Bhama Jayaveerapandian, MD - Internal Medicine
Bhama Jayaveerapandian, MD, specializes in internal medicine and see patients at the Knoxville Hospital Clinic where she has been employed since 2006.
As an internist, Dr. Bhama provides care for individuals over 18 years of age. Her comprehensive scope of care involves treatment of illnesses and injuries, health screenings and tests, physical exams, chronic care management, men’s and women’s health, preventive care, and treating other health care needs.
Dr. Bhama lives in Knoxville.
To schedule an appointment to see Dr. Bhama, call (641) 842-7005.
Education & Experience
Residency: Interfaith Medical Center, New York
Medical School: Stanley Medical College, Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India, Graduated in 1988
Certifications & Licensure: American Boar of Internal Medicine – Certified in Internal Medicine, IA State Medical License
Specialties: Internal Medicine, Hospitalist
Professional Affiliations: American College of Physicians
Awards/Recognition: Healthgrades Honor Roll