Health & Safety at Work
The goal of our Occupational Health services is to build a strong working relationship with businesses and industries to ensure the safety and good health of their employees. Knoxville Hospital & Clinics offers a variety of occupational health services throughout its health care system, and is willing to work with each industry or business to customize a program that meets their individual needs.

Services that can be arranged or performed by Occupational Health include:
- Pre-employment physicals
- Special purpose physicals (e.g., firefighting, law enforcement, DOT)
- DOT Drug and Alcohol Testing
- Injured worker drug and alcohol testing
- Injury Care (Workers Compensation)
- Follow-up care and assessment of return-to-work options
- Blood screening, including TB
- Urine drug screening
- Back injury prevention exercises
- Occupational therapy
- Health screening tests: lipid profile blood test, fasting glucose blood test, fecal occult blood test, body fat analysis
- Flu vaccinations
- Hepatitis B Vaccine